About Deurali

Deurali Foundation is a non-profit charitable organization established in 2021 by a group of dedicated volunteers. Our organization is actively involved in providing public services in rural parts of Nepal, focusing on education, health, agriculture, and communication. Currently, we are engaged in…


Our Work


Message From Founder

I’m very happy to introduce Deurali Foundation. I welcome you all. With such aims and objectives, it was established having strong message for the various purpose, to do something for the growth of our Country in various segments for the development of…



World Press Freedom Day 2024: Know the date, theme, origin, and significance

Deurali Foundation Kathmandu : Annually observed every year May 3, this year, in 2024, here is all you need to know about the World Press Freedom Day 2024. World Press Freedom Day, observed annually on May 3rd , is a pivotal occasion…

आज स्वामी शशिधर जन्मजयन्ती

देउराली फाउण्डेसन काठमाडौं । अर्घाखाँची जिल्लाको बामरुक गाउँमा जन्मनु  भएका स्वामी शशिधरको आज जन्मजयन्ती परेको छ। स्वामी शशिधरको पिताको नाम दिशै शर्मा मरासिनी थियो । उन्नाइसौं शताब्दीका पहिला सन्तशिरोमणि मानिने स्वामी शशिधर एउटा साधु मात्र होइन,उहाँले आफ्नो जीवन कालमा धेरै ग्रन्थ पनि लेख्नु…

लोकतन्त्र दिवस: जनताका अपेक्षा सबै पूरा हुनससकेका छैनन्

देउराली फाउण्डेसन काठमाडौं । माधव मरासिनी : जनताले जितेको दिन । देशभरका सडकमा गणतन्त्रको नारा लागेको दिन । राता झण्डा र परिवर्तनको नारा लागेको वैशाख ११ लाई हरेक वर्ष नेपाली जनताले आफू विजयी भएको दिनका रुपमा स्मरण गर्छन् । नेपालको आफ्नै मौलिक…

Your support is important to reach the programs and plans of Deurali Foundation to the target group. If you like our program, you can donate.

1. If you donate 50 US dollars, you can donate a year’s worth of paper, pens, bags and school uniforms for one school student studying in a rural school.

2. If you donate 30 USD, a family of 5 can get health insurance.

3. If you make a donation of 100 US dollars, 10 poor Nepalis can be examined by an expert doctor.

4. If you donate 100 USD, 1 farmer can be donated essential seeds and agricultural tools.

5. If you donate 100 USD, 5 journalists can be trained in investigative journalism.

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